About the Patient Participation Group




What is a Patient Participation Group?

The purpose of the Liberty Bridge Road Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) is to provide a forum for patients and the practice on any matter of health or social care that may be of relevance to patients of that practice.  The PPG aims to promote the interests of patients and ensure that the services provided by the practice meet the needs of patients as far as is reasonably possible.

PPG Image

The general aims of a Patient Participation Group (PPG) are as follows:

  • To encourage a positive relationship between the patients and the surgery staff, both medical and administrative
  • To have a voice for the patients in the practice
  • To be realistic about what you can achieve and to look for small changes that can make a real difference
  • To work constructively and positively to help identify solutions and to work in partnership with the practice and other local organisations
  • Carrying out research to find out what matters to patients and discussing the findings with the practice
  • To encourage patients to engage in their own healthcare
  • Plan charity and education events for patients and the community

We are always looking for new members, so if you are interested in joining, please sign up by visiting one of the event stalls or speaking to any member of staff.